Children matters

When relationships break down, we understand that the arrangements for the children is the first priority. We recognise that such an emotive issue deserves practical and sensitive legal advice and we will always adopt an amicable approach to these issues wherever possible. In line with the approach adopted by the Family Court, we will approach cases in a child-focused way. Where an agreement is not possible our team of lawyers will provide robust representation at Court to achieve the best possible outcome.

Our team of Family lawyers specialise in the following areas:

  • the arrangements for where a child will live and who the child will spend time with (Residence/Contact)
  • changing a child’s name
  • where a child should go to school
  • Prohibited Steps Orders
  • Paternity/DNA testing
  • Parental Responsibility
  • Special Guardianship Orders
  • Removal of a child from the jurisdiction
  • Child Support
  • Parenting Agreements
  • Court hearings

For more information please contact one of our Family Law team on 01685 885500, or e-mail  us at [email protected]